Access Keys:

Herlington Preschool, Peterborough

Holiday Club and hours

We run holiday clubs for children aged 2yrs –11 yrs out of term time.

The opening times for our holiday clubs are 07:45 – 3:00pm ……… Full days.

9:00am – 11:30am, or 12:30pm - 15:00pm ………. Half days

We operate these holiday clubs in October, February, Easter, Whitsun, July/August

The cost of Holiday club is £21.50 per day, for the first child and £19.00 per day for siblings.

We do not operate a holiday club at Christmas half term.


HAF Programme (Holiday Activities and Food) Runs alongside some holiday clubs

The programme allows children to attend some holiday clubs free of charge.

This is a government initiative programme that support children and families who are entitled to free school meals through the income element, within this programme we offer breakfast, and a home cooked meal each day with dessert, (we follow the school food standards criteria) when planning meals.

The children may also take part in a physical activity each day as well as a creative activity.

The programme entitles eligible children to 4x4hr sessions at Easter and Christmas half terms, as well as 16 sessions x 4hrs in the 6 weeks holidays. These are all free of charge, parents can extend the sessions by paying a small charge if they wish.