Access Keys:

Herlington Preschool, Peterborough

3-4 Years

We have 3 rooms caring for the 3-4yr olds, these are the Wonderful Willows, Cheerful Chestnuts, and the Outstanding Oaks, these rooms work on a child to adult ratio of 1:8, providing a warm, nurturing environment, that develop children’s creativity and nurture their inquisitive attitude throughout the curriculum. Staff encourage children to move through the curriculum by creating planning opportunities around their interests, challenging their thinking and learning.

Our 2.5 hour sessions are £8.50 per session

Lunchtimes are £3.50 per session (children bring a packed lunch)

Breakfast club is £5.00 per morning, breakfast included.

Full day childcare 7.45am -3.00pm £25.50 per week.